Affiliated Organisations

  • To join our WhatsApp Group, click here:

  • For more information, please contact:

  • Haringey Labour Climate Action is a group of Labour members who campaign for action and change and to raise awareness that:

    • Climate change and environmental degradation are primary and urgent global survival issues – they are already destroying livelihoods and the planet and need to be urgently and dramatically addressed to prevent further potentially disastrous consequences throughout the world.

    • Climate change and environmental degradation are primary and urgent political issues – the main obstacles to tacking climate change are inadequate government and corporate measures, which in turn are due to short termism and putting profit before people and planet. The government’s response to the energy crisis has exposed the failures of this approach.

    • Tackling Climate Change and environmental degradation provides an opportunity for social and political transformation to a green economy based on socialist principles of sustainable growth, equality, and collective social and global responsibility. We urgently need to reclaim this government’s version of economic recovery and to promote a greener, fairer, sustainable alternative as the only genuinely viable solution.

    We meet regularly for discussion and action on local, London-wide and national issues related to climate and the environment. We have members from Hornsey and Wood Green Constituency, and also from Tottenham, covering the whole of Haringey. And we have a good working relationship with our Councillors and MPs.

    We’ve campaigned and lobbied on a range of issues including single-use plastics, living streets and the Council’s Climate Action Plan, and held various public meetings including ‘Our Borough our Planet’, ‘Brexit and the Environment’, and ‘Sustainable Transport’.

    We publish a newsletter on topical issues. We work with the Haringey Climate Forum, engaging with the Council and local stakeholders to reduce pollution and environmental degradation and achieve zero carbon as soon as possible before their 2041 deadline.

    We aim to work alongside other campaigns and individuals both within and outside the Labour Party, to promote a greener, fairer, sustainable future for all.

    To join us, or for more information, contact the Secretary at: